

(http://www.destilleonline.de/). there is a tree in in the center of the establishment.

Untere Straße 13

The latter boasts a huge collection of absinthe, whiskeys and whiskys, as well as a very distinctive atmosphere.

Brückenkopfstr. 1

(http://www.oreillys.com/h...). an irish pub north of the river, just over the bridge from bisi bismarckplatz.

The Brass Monkey
4 Haspelgasse

Friendly bar on haspelgasse, just opposite the old bridge. good crowd and all staff also speak fluent english.

Mensa im Marstallhof

Maybe the most beautiful university canteen in germany and maybe also heidelberg's cheapest beer garden. serving welde-beer the beer with screwed bottle necks and answering on any question... everybody is welcome, open till late...

If you want to mix with the locals, try the Untere Strasse, which runs between the Hauptstrasse and the river, parallel to both. It is packed with the student bars, including the crowded:

More than 300 bars, pubs, clubs, discotheques and the like, from Bavarian style tourist restaurants with deer antlers on the walls to extremely left-wing student bars which reserve the right to refuse police officers entry to the bar. You name it. Find your place and enjoy yourself. Heidelberg knows no curfew. Most bars close at 1am, but especially the students bars are often open until the early morning. Although the locals -- even the police officers -- are used to drunk tourists as well as to drunk students, please be calm on your way home and do not riot. As a remnant of the student revolts, Heidelberg has the largest ratio of policemen per capita and you may find yourself in the arms of an officer much faster than you think.

If you are a young person and happen to discover one of the student parties which are quite numerous but advertised mostly by word-of-mouth, you scored the jackpot. Get inside, get a dirt cheap beer and have fun. But try and avoid being recognised as a tourist. No party ends before 3am and many run until 6 or 7am. Either Untere Straße or the Zieglers Heidelbergs oldest students' bar are frequently crowded with students.


Are produced around heidelberg e.g. schriesheim, wiesloch, but it might be difficult to get hold of them - unless you simply go to a vineyard... when you buy wine, always a safe bet is a riesling from pfalz or some white wine from baden instead, or try any of the numerous wines from other german wine regions.


Vineyards are usually located in the middle of small towns along bergstraãŸe highway b3. fruit farmers sell wine right on their farm e.i. vineyard - make sure you also ask for apple wine hesse specialty and new wine wine still in process of fermentation - sold from the barrel, bring a canister! which you can sometimes drink in some 'wine-beergarden' right on site. take a tram 5/5r northbound to any place between schriesheim and lã¼tzelsachsen or a local train s3/s4 southbound to wiesloch - or even better, if you have the time s1 or s2 to neustadt, where you will find yourself in an endless landscape of vine stocks.


A good irish pub at the center of heidelberg mainstreet downtown

Ham Ham's

A great place to chill, drink, and smoke.


A very relaxed and chill place to enjoy a drink and party

B.J.Z. Bar

Great place to party in emmertsgrund, its a b.y.o.a. bring your own alcohol and you can crash anywhere in the house


Next to the Old Bridge, there are two small breweries: The Kulturbrauerei (http://www.heidelberger-k...) in the Leyergasse and Vetter's Brauhaus in the Steingasse. Vetter's is famous for having one of the strongest beers in world Vetter 33.

If you are looking for coffee rather than alcohol, Star Coffee (http://www.star-coffee.de...) has two branches, one off Bismarckplatz and the other on the Hauptstrasse, serving a variety of coffees and offering free WiFi access. Fewer computers but more style are found in the two Moro Cafes (http://www.moro-cafe.de/), directly at the Alte Brücke and one on the Hauptstraße.

Recently, most pubs close much earlier in the night, even on the weekends at around 2am. Just move to one of the numerous clubs, which usually have no entrance fee this late at night.